Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Travels with style

Beat Petronas Towers

Kuala Lumpur is a nice place to visit
because of her language malay also nice and warm people

Genting island, Bukit Bintang, china town, and many places to visit in Kuala Lumpur.
One of the Petronas Tower in very hot weather conditions,
I beat the Petronas towers with fashion:
Yellow Shirts, Shorts and glasses and hats knitted accessories

Monday, January 10, 2011

I love you just The Way you Are!!

Since I know you babe
You make me warm just like I hold a glass of tea this morning
We already spent 2555 days without a day I miss your smile and your word

Now I wrote this for remind my own soul that I fall in love to you so bad!!

If romeo made for Juliet, maybe you made for me

You know sometimes we get stuck in our ego

Sometimes we get stuck in a job that prioritized above you

Sometimes we get stuck in many differences but if you know babe

My heart is easy to cool you when you smile

Happy Birthday my love,
partner in a fight, a partner in laughter, a partner in silence
I love you just The Way you Are!!